Check out our complete line of DVDs for your Parrot!

Parrot Training DVDSBarbara Heidenreich teaches you how to train a parrot to talk. She addresses common myths, and proven methods for encouraging your parrot to vocalize
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Parrot Training DVDSEverything you want to know to get started training your parrot is captured in this video of one of Barbara Heidenreich’s world renowned Parrot Training Workshops.
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Albany Parrot Training DVDSThe first in our series of Parrot Behavior and Training DVD's, this DVD covers the basic fundamentals of training with positive reinforcement.
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Albany Parrot Training DVDSMake you parrots’s next visit to the veterinarian stress free! This DVD shows you how to train your parrot to cooperate in his own medical care.
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Albany Parrot Training DVDSReading you birds body language is one of the most important skills you can learn to help you build a relationship with your parrot based on trust.
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Albany Parrot Training BOOKS This DVD features detailed instructions, as well as useful tools to help you get your lost parrot back. This DVD is a must for any parrot owner.
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Albany Parrot Training BOOKSAn easy-to-read step-by-step guide that uses positive reinforcement for teaching your parrot acceptable behavior.

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Albany Parrot Training BOOKS Learn how to modify your parrots aggressive behavior. 10 steps to address aggressive behavior, common myths and real life case studies
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Albany Parrot Training MagazineGood BirdMagazine the ultimate resource to learn kind and gentle ways of creating desired parrot behavior.

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Our ebook hs been replaced with our very comprehensive and user friendly webinar recording

Train your Parrot to Accept Medication- Stress Free Veterinary Care for Companion Parrots

View Online Now $19.95

Learn how to train your parrot to accept oral medications, be comfortable wrapped in a towel, and participate in preventative care. Discover techniques to introduce new objects (such as medical instruments) without creating fear responses. Learn which behaviors to prioritize to reduce stress for health care of your bird and how to gain cooperation from your parrot while at the veterinary hospital. Total run time is 1 hour and 52 minutes. To purchase access to a recording of this webinar for $19.95 visit this link

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