Check out our complete line of DVDs for your Parrot!

Barbara Heidenreich teaches you how to train a parrot to talk. She addresses common myths, and proven methods for encouraging your parrot to vocalize
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Everything you want to know to get started training your parrot is captured in this video of one of Barbara Heidenreich’s world renowned Parrot Training Workshops.
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The first in our series of Parrot Behavior and Training DVD's, this DVD covers the basic fundamentals of training with positive reinforcement.
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Make you parrots’s next visit to the veterinarian stress free! This DVD shows you how to train your parrot to cooperate in his own medical care.
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Reading you birds body language is one of the most important skills you can learn to help you build a relationship with your parrot based on trust.
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This DVD features detailed instructions, as well as useful tools to help you get your lost parrot back. This DVD is a must for any parrot owner.
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An easy-to-read step-by-step guide that uses positive reinforcement for teaching your parrot acceptable behavior.
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Learn how to modify your parrots aggressive behavior. 10 steps to address aggressive behavior, common myths and real life case studies
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